Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 15


You Bewitched Me

I don't know from where came
This pointless love,
And I don't know due to which misfortune
Everything changed for me...
Why was my very soul filled with the light
Of the dawn's fires, at dusk?
Why did my pulse begin to race
And all of my blood, suddenly rose up?
You looked at me!
You looked at me and my entire night,
Dark with sorrow,
Burned with starlight...
You bewitched me!
You bewitched me and a river of ,
Sang through my veins
To your true love.
Could I be, my God, dreaming
Even though I ought to wake up?
What is happening to me...
It's neither truth nor falsehood!
What did you give to me?
What did you give to me, for thus you have changed me
From snow, into a pyre
Of red hot passion?
Do not drive me away from your side
For, without you, there's no redemption for me!
Can't you see
That, as I call you like a madwoman,
From deep in my soul up to my mouth
My heart is about to explode?
I don't know whether another woman who could love
With the passion that I love you...
Living in this way,
More than life... Is death itself!
Why do I awaken shaking, all anguished,
And I look out into the empty, lightless street?
Why do I have the feeling
That you will sentence me to be crucified?
You looked at me!
You looked at me and, right then and there, my eyes
As they faced yours,
Gleamed with jealousy.
You bewitched me!
You bewitched me and, as if there were made of sand,
The towers of my pride
Crumbled to the ground...
Imagine how strong is the witchcraft
Of your love's metal,
That the light of my joy,
Is darkened by your power!
What did you give to me?
What did you give to me, for thus you have changed me
From snow, into a pyre
of red hot passion?
Do not drive me away from your side
For, without you, there's no redemption for me!
Can't you see
That, as I call you like a madwoman,
From deep in my soul up to my mouth
My heart is about to explode?

Mi-a zis luna

Mi-a zis luna că tu nu o privești
Când te luminează pe străduță,
Și că te oprești sub altă fereastră
Și că îți bagi fața între gratii.
Mi-a zis luna că nu o mai privești

Trăiască dansul pasodoble(1)

Aur, argint, umbră și soare,
mulțimea și aclamațiile.
Trei montera(2), trei cape
în arenă!
Și o trompetă care sfâșie vântul
anunțând un taur negru
care e înspăimântător la înfățișare.
Chicuelina(3) de-adevăratelea,
trei mișcări veronica(4), de neegalat
și călare, cu noblețe,
luptă picadorul.
... Și muzica ce cântă
când taurul și muleta(5)
merg la unison.
Trăiască dansul pasodoble
care face tragedia veselă

Amantul meu prieten

Amantul meu prieten,
Tu, cel care mă ajuți în fiecare zi să mă ridic,
Tu, cel care îmi faci această viață suportabilă,
Știu că vei suferi, știu că vei suferi.
Amantul meu prieten,
Bărbatul, arlechinul, jucăria mea credincioasă,
Confident al tururor iubirilor mele,
Știu că vei suferi, știu că vei suferi,
Când în brațele tale, eu îți voi povesti cele întâmplate.
Amantul meu prieten,
M-am îndrăgostit cum niciodată nu ți-am spus
Și nu mai pot să împart nimic cu tine.
Iartă-mă, iartă-mă!
Amantul meu prieten,
Vechiul meu profesor de atâtea lucruri,
Așa frumoase, așa distincte, așa minunate,
Iartă-mă, iartă-mă, iubirea mea nebună!
Amantul meu prieten,
Tu, cel care m-ai făcut fericită în fiecare clipă,
Tu, cel care îmi ghicești dorințele fără să ți le mărturisesc,
Știu că vei suferi, știu că vei suferi,
Când în brațele tale, eu îți voi povesti cele întâmplate.
(Se repetă de la:
Amantul meu prieten,
M-am îndrăgostit cum niciodată nu ți-am spus.

I'll Throw It Into The Well

I'll throw it into the well
My soul
I'll throw it into the well
I'll throw into the well
As well as the carnation you gave me
And, oh, woman, oh
The carnation you gave me
Mi soul
I'll throw it into the well
I'll throw it into the well
I don't want to see carnations
Oh, woman, oh
I don't want to see carnations
My soul
I'll throw into the well
And it's because it grieves me
And the short while I had it with me
And the short while I had it with me
My soul
In my mind

Who do you think you are?

I can see from a distance who you are
That you come eating the world
You think you like them all
What do you think you are? Who do you think you are?
You smile in an insolent way
With a lot of false bohemian
I find you old fashioned
What do you think you are? Who do you think you are?
Who do you think you are?
To overran me, giving you those airs,
When you worth so little.
Who do you think you are?
Always presuming that I belong to you
You deceive yourself.
Who do you think you are?
Poor beginner (novice), to be my lover
If you ignore everything
Who do you think you are?
Who do you think you are?